
Rick Hansen Foundation: Business Cards

To communicate the foundation’s purpose, we designed a business card using inclusive design principles. With a single fold, a regular business card transforms into a universal representation of accessibility – a wheelchair ramp. The Rick Hansen Foundation brings accessible solutions to physical spaces, so it’s only fitting that their business card be an inclusive object of its own.


The Poster For Everyone

We took a simple poster and used it as a blueprint of a more inclusive world. Combining adaptive technology and inclusive design principles, we created the first poster that adjusts in real-time to be accessible to every individual who reads it, no matter who that person is.

The Poster For Everyone has seven key features that use data to make the poster accessible to everyone. Accessible type and high contrast colors ensure ease of visual legibility. Motion sensors and depth tracking allow the poster to adjust height and text size based on the person’s eye-level and proximity to the poster. With audio detection, the poster can translate its messaging into 60+ languages. A braille pad and audio messaging extend the poster’s legibility beyond conventional forms of writing. We delivered a message about the importance of accessibility in the most accessible way possible – a poster designed for everyone.


Print Campaign: Stairs shouldn’t stop us
